Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mellow Yellow Necklace

I made this necklace for Lady Loo Who's first day of kindergarten.  I didn't cry.  I think the mellow yellow necklace cheered me up.

I got the idea here from Random Thoughts of a SUPERMOM.  I wish I were a supermom.  Something to aspire to I guess.  For now I'll be LAXIDASICALMOM or AVERAGEMOM. It makes me feel better to put those in caps.

Lady Loo at her desk in her mellow yellow necklace.

This is another craft you can do while watching a movie.  Or better yet while watching an all new Glee NEXT WEEK!  Have fun making some fab new necklaces.



  1. Your necklace is adorable in yellow! I actually bought a few different colors of ribbon but never followed through with making them....I think you have inspired me:) I'm think a Halloween one would be really cute!

  2. Thank you!!! It was a great tutorial! ;)
